Thursday, May 3, 2007

Surgery Day

My sweet baby had surgery yesterday. And while I wouldn't wish this nightmare on any parent, I have to say that the sling made it a much better experience.

We waited in the surgery waiting room with the baby happily asleep in her sling. She had to have an empty stomach and I thought she would be fussing like the other babies were in their car seats. The doctor was quite surprised and made a joke about how she wouldn't even know she was in surgery because she'd sleep through the entire experience.

After surgery I nursed her, dressed her, and again popped her into our favorite sling. The inside is soft sateen that the baby just loves.

They asked if I needed help getting to my car but I really didn't. The baby was again happily asleep in her sling. I grabbed the paperwork and headed to my car.

I kept her in the sling a lot yesterday, nursing as she needed. She slept in my bed at times too and was remarkably happy for a baby who had just had surgery. Another great sling moment...

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