Sunday, March 11, 2007

Nursing upright in hip position - 5 month old

We went hiking today along the nature preserve near our home (this is not a great picture but bear with me). With the baby in her sling, the family had a great day. Half way through the hike the baby, now 5 months old, decided that she was hungry. As I was nursing her while hiking, a lightbulb went off above my head. We need a blog with tips and tricks for sling users. Real life stuff. A how to of sorts.

So here goes: after about 4 months old you can start wearing your baby in the hip carry, belly to belly and kangaroo carry position. For details about these positions go to our sling instructions page.

You can always nurse in the cradle position but nursing in the upright sitting position is ultra easy.

Now I know it doesn't look like it in the above photo, but the baby's mouth is actually really close to where it needs to be to nurse. SO, I positioned her just slightly forward from my hip, pulled down my stretchy neck tee (a must when using this position to nurse), unsnapped my nursing bra and voila! I held a firm hand on her upper back while she nursed to prevent her from becoming unattached. I pulled up the sling to cover us but it would have been much nicer if I had on a nursing t-shirt with a slit in the side. If you want to use this position in public, I would highly suggest it.

Look for at least 2 posts a week about sling wearing.

Want to become a contributor? E-mail me with the subject BLOG at Have any other suggestions for nursing while wearing in the hip carry simply comment here.

Happy babywearing!


Merrypranxter said...

I nurse my 4 month old daughter Maya this way when out and about, but have been using one of those front-carriers. I just ordered my first sling, and am really hoping it works out well! The front carrier was great but now that she's bigger she cries, and i think its cutting off the circulation to her legs... i'm hoping the sling helps this!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE my Lucky Baby!!! I haven’t used my sling for hiking but as a coach’s wife we attend every high school football game, basketball game and track meet on the schedule and games can’t be scheduled around feeding times. Josie (5 months old) has mastered nursing on the hip carry while we continue to enjoy our football game in the crowded stands. I have also used my Lucky Baby for a blanket, for shade and as a nursing cover when it was too hot to be in the sling. The sling stays in the car ready for action at a moment’s notice and Josie becomes excited when she sees her sling. Best investment I’ve ever made! Wish I had this sling with my frist baby!!!

Lucky Baby Slings said...

Thanks so much for the comment. I'll be sure to pass it on to the women here at Lucky Baby who work so hard to make and distribute our product.

Lucky Baby

Anonymous said...

I have started using the sling to nurse with a 5 week old. I can sit her up a bit to do one side (tummy to tummy), burp her, and then lay her into the cradle hold and let her finish. She has good head control for her age, and I do support her as needed. The sling has really relieved my sore back and arms, and allows me to be much more mobile...somehow we're on a routine of her eating right when I have to be preparing dinner. I DON'T cook over the stove with a baby in the sling, but I can assemble lasagna, tear up a salad, etc. Slings rock! I have two older kids, and this is the first baby that I've owned a sling with. My hubby says it's the best piece of baby equipment that we own! My little one loves the sling. It gives me my hands free when I need them with my other two kiddos, while still keeping the baby close.

For me, the pouch sling is the only type that I'll use. The others are too labor intensive to get on and off and adjusted. The sling is usable from day one, and is very versatile and fast to get on and off. If your little one throws up all over you, you can just lift her off quickly instead of trying to unwrap yourselves from a pukey toga :) I have also worn my sister's 5 month old with great success, and look forward to a great couple of years of baby wearing.

Anonymous said...

Wow So cute....